Wednesday, January 18, 2012

felt like blogging... but i dont know what to post about...=.=

1st 3 weeks of 2012~
so far so good?
at least for this month...there's something for me to look forward to or rather something for me to do at the end of the week...

7th Jan.... ANCOC 2011 POP at hq...
seeing those kids passing out from the course...
seriously speaking... didnt really have any special feelings though...
even though i felt more attached to Sierra'11 as compared to Alpha'10, my heart still goes towards Alpha'10 leh... haha
perhaps they were my first grp of kids that i took when i first joined ANCOC bah? haha
but Sierra'11 is cuter la... haha
at least from this course... got ah boy and boyboy.... AHAHAHA
not only those kids... this course was really a gd opportunity to get to know the other G6....LOL
like wita..jierui... if w/o them... i can imagine how "lonely" i would be during the whole course.. HAHAHA

14th Jan... COC at BP

nothing much though..
Eric Sir step down...Jerry Sir take over...
wonder what are the changes gonna be?

this week... looking forward to CNY! hehehe!

28th Jan...AGM...
a new start for RSS..
hope this year wont be that BAD~ for us.... *fingers cross*

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