this year really went *POOF*
last year, my last day of 2009 was spent at work.then at night, spent my time at home coz too tired le...O.o... den new year day was spent at work nothing much though...
i can consider it as a quite an eventful year?
waiting for O' level results to be released...
got to know that im going to SP
mixed feelings though... ><
most of my time was spent on comp. trainings..
comp. results... hmm..
lesson learnt... not to be too complacent...o.O
after comp.....spent my time mostly at home...
since mama wasnt working during that period of time....
Apr... sch started... but still not used to it...
maybe is because of the long break in between....couldnt get back the momentum?
May-June Met up with fellow 4/7 peeps.... =)
June.. Annual Camp was one of the event that i looked forward to...
it is also one of the camps that i've enjoyed the most
then followed by expedition.. but didnt managed to carry out... dinner with them....=)
it is when i was able to be involved in rs events
helped out in rs ndp parade...
managed to go down for fridays activity....
all thanks to yog breaks...=)
2 weeks of exam week....
den followed by a long holiday until mid oct
but still managed to have a BBQ gathering with SJ ppl
i can say that these 1-2 months has been the most "enjoyable" period of time for this least for me lah...=)
ANCO Course has been a great experience for be able to work with them in the in for a first timer.. for me...
it is becoz of ANCO..which made me looked forward to every weekends during the month of November....
Not forgetting Alpha..and my apc Sophia... =)
这一切所发生的每一件事,都已成了回忆, 已成为我生活中的一部分
明天会更好! ^^
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