today is the day!
and we made it!
NA NC AC all got champion! woohoo!! =D
wh say i very dramatic? O.o...
but is true lo...
anxious and happy for them mah...wahaha
was practically hugging the trophy...and jumping around in the hall after the results was released...=p
was really happy!
did the sch cheer...
as usual..i cried when shouting the cheer....=x WE ARE THE BEST!
we finally made it after 3 years..=D
homenursing was 118/200?
fa was 99/100?
fd was 44/50?
enjoyed today the most!
esp the footdrill..all their eyes were on us man...
i still rmb that...the hall was noisy...den once we start fd...it was silence~~.....=x
there was even cracks on the ceiling of the waiting room...becoz of the bangings? LOL
RSS SJAB! yeah!
thanks for the all the hugs...from the seniors! haha...
thanks for coming to support us!
fizzy..yekai..zhenghui..angie..shahidah...sarina..aisyah..sylvia..did i miss any one? =x
also got my batch de ppl...thank you! =D
and i wanna thank many many ppl..
namely....Gavin....Patricia...WeiHao...YeeXuan...(not in any order) and also those who have helped out..=D
thank you for training us!
and also letting us to understand what is exactly the definition of "winning" and "lose"..
i really learnt alot from it....
still got NAt. Comp. to go! JYJY!
today is the day!
and we made it!
NA NC AC all got champion! woohoo!! =D
wh say i very dramatic? O.o...
but is true lo...
anxious and happy for them mah...wahaha
was practically hugging the trophy...and jumping around in the hall after the results was released...=p
was really happy!
did the sch cheer...
as usual..i cried when shouting the cheer....=x WE ARE THE BEST!
we finally made it after 3 years..=D
homenursing was 118/200?
fa was 99/100?
fd was 44/50?
enjoyed today the most!
esp the footdrill..all their eyes were on us man...
i still rmb that...the hall was noisy...den once we start fd...it was silence~~.....=x
there was even cracks on the ceiling of the waiting room...becoz of the bangings? LOL
RSS SJAB! yeah!
thanks for the all the hugs...from the seniors! haha...
thanks for coming to support us!
fizzy..yekai..zhenghui..angie..shahidah...sarina..aisyah..sylvia..did i miss any one? =x
also got my batch de ppl...thank you! =D
and i wanna thank many many ppl..
namely....Gavin....Patricia...WeiHao...YeeXuan...(not in any order) and also those who have helped out..=D
thank you for training us!
and also letting us to understand what is exactly the definition of "winning" and "lose"..
i really learnt alot from it....
still got NAt. Comp. to go! JYJY!
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