WARNING:this post will very a very LONG post...filled with pictures and video...=p
as promised..i shall post the outing pics..=D

Sentosa...our destination for the day..=D

the seniors group...group name not decided yet...

let's take a stroll to the beach!!

left left left right~~`

say cheese~~

thahira: ouch! why cuiping punch me!

let me present to you the models of our St. John magazine, which
would be featured on the magazine's cover page...woo~~

say Hiii!!

Hanis..fast fast tell us what are we gonna do for the day!!

listen carefully....

you! shall be in my group! and you! shall be in the other group!

featuring group 2!

the "old people" group!

group 1!

mdm fang n miss ong..=D

what should we have for our group name? anything?

shall we call ourselves "whatever"?

they've changed their mind..and decided to be 'shanghai tour group"

preparing for treasure hunt...

group 2 has named themselves"Monkey Goes Banana"!!

group 1 called themselves "Something"!

after they had taken the stairs up to "shanghai" and had some
"kueh" for tea break, they changed name to "Nyonyas and Babas"

yeah! our food is here!


benjamin...faster start treasure hunt leh!

where is the "treasure"?! under the sea??!

dig dig dig...in the sand??

under the tree?

in the shade?

omg! where is it!!

still cannot find the treasure...but i found part of patricia's name!?
in the end...treasure couldn't be found.. =(

we shall play...Name it Ball? or Elephant?

elephant? why is your nose so long? O.o

why uh?

ellis n cynthia...what are you all doing there? O.o

who is that in the dark?? hanis? thahira?

water bombs! filled with sea water...=.=


can we jump into the sea?? O.o

hit me?! oh no! run!

mr weihao and mr fizzy...and little miss patricia...=p

sumo...the nyonya?? O.o

yeah...i've just hit benjamin with the water bombs!

oh no! what are you trying to do? throw at me?! *run*

come bah! go ahead and throw at me..im mentally prepared...>.<

i love this tree

i love the tree too~~

oh no!

zhenghui&yekai: heh..let's aim at aisyah!!
aisyah: nobody behind me? i shall throw at benjamin instead!

who should i throw at??


don't so evil leh..

angie! what happened to you!

*clap clap*



Yummmmmmmm Seng!!!

Nyonya and Baba

Everybody Makan!

Welcome to Sentosa!

NA'08 gather!!

NA RE-gather...

AA'08 with "yeexuan" gather!

NC'08 gather!

US and UJ

Zhixian.."Yeexuan" and Fizzy....=.=

say cheeseeee~~


Friendship dance...in water...O.o
i spent 2hr++ to upload these pics...the time now is 9.08pm...=.=
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